Usually, massages are applied by two hands of the massage specialists. However, it is given by four hands is a real bliss. It gives the ultimate relaxation as two massage specialists work in harmony in soothing your body with their four hands. How the therapists perform In a four hand massage, two masseuses work on one client using their synchronised moves. This can be like experiencing a couple of full body massages at a time. The professionals and experts will apply the massages by considering your body as a canvas onto which they apply pressures in varying paces. While you relax under four hands therapy, you can feel as if the therapists slowly choreograph with their hands. In leading centres and spas, you would be applied this technique in a range of styles. If you haven’t ever experienced the comfort of it, then it would certainly be an eye opening experience for you. The fully trained specialists understand the need of the situation and hence apply patterned movements of differing speeds.
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